
Sandalwood Works Yard


Various Repair Work at Sandalwood Works Yard


120 Sandalwood Parkway West, Brampton, Ontario


Restoration Works

Date Completed

November, 2017


The City Of Brampton


Arch-Tech Design Group

The Sandalwood Works Yard is located at 120 Sandalwood Parkway West in the City of Brampton. The facility contains a large 2-storey sand/salt garage building, two storage bays, two pole barns used primarily for vehicle storage, a woodlot, and some other storage areas, fueling stations and features.  

This project involved two separate scopes of work:

1) Restoration of the existing sand/salt garage building and storage bays;

2) Restoration of all the structural steel within the pole barns. The Yard’s operations were maintained and unaffected for the project’s duration. 

Work within the sand/salt garage and storage bays included the removal and replacement of interior cladding, aluminum storm louver work with bird screens, and the installation of all new ventilation equipment including associated electrical and connection to gas detection equipment. 

Structural steel at the pole barns was sandblasted and/or mechanically prepped and re-coated with an epoxy paint. This was a coordinated effort with the client as they were displaced from pole barns while work was being performed. Arch-Tech Design Group acted as the consultant on this project.